it's okay if you only learned about your culture from Google
it's okay if you only read your language at the public library
it's okay if you need books to know your ancestral recipes
it's okay if you've never even set foot on the soil of your people
it's okay if your hips don't sway to those rhythms
it's okay if the food is too bitter for your tongue
it's okay if English is the only language that flows freely from your mouth
it's okay if your wardrobe is just jeans and Ts
it's okay if you only know Shakespeare
it's okay if spice brings you fear instead of joy
it's okay if you understand but can't reply
it's okay if you dread the disappointed stares of aunties
it's okay if small words like Salaam alaykum fall from your tongue like broken bones
it's okay if you spent your whole life shunning it all, only to now want it back
you are no less worthy
it is no less home
Love always,
It's okay
Cicely Belle Blain, "Dear Diaspora Child" from BURNING SUGAR. Copyright © 2020 by Cicely Belle Blain. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: BURNING SUGAR (Cicely Belle Blain / VS. Books an imprint of ARSENAL PULP PRESS, 2020)